Frequently Asked Questions
Abuse / Report
Q: How and where can I report inappropriate content?
A: Please refer to our Notice and Action policy.
Q: I appear in a video on your website, but I have not given permission for this. How can I get it removed?
A: Please refer to our Notice and Action policy.
Q: I have found a broken or removed video, what to do?
A: Please report by clicking the icon (flag) in the preview image of the video you want to report. Additionally, you can also reach out to the site where the video is hosted.
Q: The preview information (image, title, duration, tags, models) does not correspond with the actual video, where should I report this?
A: All information (except video rating) is provided by the site that is hosting the video. Please report errors to the site which is hosting the video. When you notice that these errors occur on the same site over and over again, please inform us by e-mail.
Privacy and safety
Q: Where can I find your terms of use and your privacy statement?
A: You can find links to our terms of use and privacy statement at the bottom of our site.
Q: How to visit your site incognito?
A: Most common browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox have a feature that enables you to visit sites in private or incognito mode. This way you are surfing the web without any information about your visit getting stored on your computer. Additionally, the pages you have visited will not show up in your browser history. To find out how this works for your specific browser we suggest you search the web. Please keep in mind that browsing the web in private or incognito mode does not guarantee that your visit is completely anonymous.
Q: How to delete my browser history and cache?
A: All browsers have a feature that allows you to delete any cached information and the history of pages you have visited. To get the most up to date information about how to do this for your specific browser. We advise you to search the web.
Q: I'm a parent and I do not want my children to be able to visit sites with explicit content. What can I do?
A: We use the "Restricted To Adults" (RTA) website label to better enable parental filtering. Protect your children from adult content and block access to this site by using parental controls. Besides this, there are some other measures that you can perform to prevent your children from seeing explicit content. All major search engines offer safe search functionality where you can enable or disable explicit content.
- Bing: (
- Google: (
- Yahoo: (
Besides this, you can consider using a child friendly search engine. You can find examples by simply searching for “child friendly search engines” in your favorite engine.
Security best practices
We believe that our sites should be a safe environment.
When building our sites safety is an important aspect that we take into account in every stage of development process.
Besides this we actively monitor all listed content sites if they comply with our safety policies.
Sites that fail to comply risk to get delisted from our network.
The content sites that are listed on our network are not owned and or operated by us and therefore not under our direct control. Despite our efforts to create a safe environment there are some measures you should always keep in mind surfing the net.
Disclaimer: This is by no means a comprehensive guide to safeguarding your online security and personal information, however, when surfing online there are a few simple things that you can do to limit the risk of getting exposed to fraud or your data falling into the wrong hands.
- Keep your browser and operating system updated: from time to time your browser will notify you of updates (if you have not opted to install updates automatically, consider this option!). These updates often contain important security updates and fixes. Don’t ignore these notifications, take a minute to download and install the updates.
- Clear your cache and unnecessary cookies from time to time. Cookies are small text-based files that sites can use to store information on your computer. There are cases when this can be handy (such as personalizing a site you visit regularly to your preferences). However, certain cookies can also be used to track your behaviour on various sites and platforms to create an identifiable user profile. To most people, this practice is unwanted.
- Consider using software that protects your computer, your files and your data, such as an anti-virus / malware scanner and firewall.
- Try to make sure that the hardware you are using (such as your network hardware) has the latest firmware updates.
- Clicking behaviour: Never click on links that seem fishy….ok this might seem a bit vague but you know how the saying goes “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”
- Installs. When you receive a prompt to download or install something that you have not initiated or if you are prompted to download software from an unknown source it is best to decline. Sometimes you might get “tricked” into selecting the button to accept the download. Always take the time to check you are clicking the right button to decline the install.
- HTTPS. Check if the site you are visiting is using the https protocol. Sites with HTTPS use an extra layer of encryption to secure communication between your browser and the server where the site or service you are using is hosted. Sites using HTTP might still be safe but over the past years HTTPS has become a common practice.
Using the site
Q: What type of sort and filter options can I use?
A: Inside the category or search results page, you can use various sort and filter options:
Sort options:
- Popularity (default): The popularity of each video is calculated by an algorithm that takes multiple variables into account. For example: How many times it has been clicked by other visitors.
- Date: This will display videos in order of the date they were added; newest videos first.
- Duration: This will display videos in order of the length of the video; longest videos first.
- Rating: This will display videos in order of the rating they were given by visitors; highest rated videos first.
You can use various filters to limit/optimise the results you see. Multiple filters can be used at the same time.
Filter options:
- Date added: Here you can specify to see videos that were added within a certain period.
- Duration: Use the slider to determine the minimum and maximum length of the videos you wish to see.
- Quality: Use this option if you want to see videos that are available in HD or 4K format. Did you know we also have a site with HD videos only? Visit!
- VR: Use this option if you want to see videos that are available in VR. Did you know we also have a site with VR videos only? Visit!
- Pricing ( only): Use this to filter the search results for different payment options membership/pay per view/pay per clip.
Q: How do I use the advanced search?
A: We support the following advanced search options:
- All these words: When you search for multiple words, for example homemade anal, the search will return results containing both words in any given order.
- Exact phrase: Put the exact phrase between quotation marks, for example ''homemade anal compilation''. The result of this search will show videos that contain all words in the exact order you type them in.
- Any of these words: If you want to see results containing any of your search terms, type OR between the different search terms. Example: homemade OR amateur. This will show results containing homemade and/or amateur content.
- Exclude a word: If you want to exclude a word from your search; you can put a minus sign before the word you want to exclude. For instance: anal –gangbang. This will result in anal videos without gangbangs.
Try it, once you get the hang of it you can also start using multiple advanced search operators together, example: milf OR "hot mom" -anal. This search will result in videos with milfs or hot moms but without anal.
Q: Do I need an account?
A: No, all features of our site are available without an account.
Q: Can I upload videos to your site?
A: It's not possible to upload videos to our site directly. Some of the sites we link to allow you to upload videos. In most cases, videos you upload to these sites will show up on our site as well.
Q: Are all videos free?
A: Most of them are. However, a small percentage of videos require that you open a free or paid account of the site where the video is hosted or require you to pay a fee before you can watch the video. These are marked with a “$ Premium” label. Did you know we also have a site with payperclip, payperview and membership videos only? Visit
Q: Can I exclude videos from certain sources in my search results?
A: Not yet.
Q: Is your site available in other languages?
A: Yes, part of our network offers multiple languages. On (for example) you can select your preferred language setting. We do not use auto-translations, all translations have been done by humans! Help us improve by letting us know about incorrect or misspelled translations by e-mail.
Q: Can I download the videos?
A: Most sites we link to offer this feature. In some cases the site which is hosting the video will require you to open an account.
Q: How do you determine which videos are shown as most popular?
A: Our algorithm calculates popularity of each video based on user interaction on our site.
Q: What's the difference between “popular videos” and “top rated videos”.
A: Popularity is determined by our algorithm. Top rated videos are the videos that have received the most thumbs up votes from other visitors.
Q: Where can I find gay or trans (shemale) videos?
A: You can enable this type of content in the orientation filter which is located at the top of the site (on some sites this filter can be accessed by clicking the settings button ). Alternatively you can visit (Gay videos only) or (Trans videos only).
Q: I did not enable the gay or trans filter but sometimes I do see gay or trans videos in my search results. How come?
A: We rely on information that is delivered to us by the sites that we have in our index. Unfortunately, mistakes can be made. We do our best to prevent this from happening.
Q: Which video sites do you list in your index?
A: For a full list of available sites, please check the source filter.
Q: I'm looking for content featuring a specific pornstar, how can I find it?
A: We've got you covered! You will find a link in the menu named Pornstars, Gay Pornstars or Trans Pornstars. Here you will find loads of videos, organised by pornstar name.
Q: Sometimes when I click a video link, access to the video is restricted. Why is that?
A: Usually this is because the content uploader asked the video host to restrict access to a certain video (exclude viewers from certain countries). If a video is only available to members or after making a payment, this should be indicated with a “$ Premium” label in the preview image on our site.
Q: I have a disability, do you have any features to make it easier for me to enjoy your site?
A: We do not have specific features for people with disabilities, however, we're open to all suggestions and ideas!
Q: How can I add your site to my favorites?
A: See the list below to find out how to do this for specific browsers.
- Desktop (windows) you can bookmark our site by pressing “ctlr-d”;
- Desktop (mac OS) users press “cmd-d”;
- Mobile (Chrome Browser), open the option menu and click the star icon;
- Mobile (Safari Browser) tap the share button and select “Add bookmark”;
- Mobile (Samsung Browser), open the menu and select “Add to bookmarks”.
For even quicker access, you can add our site to the home screen of your mobile device using the same steps as described above, instead of add to bookmark, select: “Add to home screen”.
Q: How can I suggest a new category on your site?
A: We add new categories based on popular search terms, but feel free to get in touch with us with your suggestions.
Q: Do you have more sites, similar to this?
A: Yes, we operate a network of sites. We have sites dedicated to: HD, VR, pornstars, mature porn, porn for women, gay porn and also sites that are translated into multiple languages. You can find these sites under our network located in the top menu.
Q: I would like to suggest a site to get listed on your network, how does this work?
A: Please get in touch with us. However, we are not able to include every site. We apply strict criteria to the sites we have listed.
Q: Do you have a site aimed at women?
A: Yes, please visit Or visit the category “Popular with women” on your favorite site.
Q: I'm a big fan of your site, do you have any merchandise?
A: Two of the sites in our network have a merchandise shop, you can find links to these shops at the bottom of either or
Q: Your site is set to my local language by default. Cool, but I prefer another language, can I change this?
A: Sites that are available in multiple languages will automatically switch to the preferred language of your browser. You can set it to any other language manually by using the language dropdown menu on our site (if available). When your preferred language is not available, please go to, here you can find all languages that we currently offer.
Q: What do the percentages (%) mean?
A: The percentage is a representation of the amount of users that have rated a video with a thumbs up. Doing this helps us to offer the best possible content recommendations to our visitors.
Q: Do you have RSS feeds?
A: No, we do not have RSS feeds.
Q: Do you offer different thumbnail sizes?
A: Yes, you can choose between 3 different sizes (small / medium/ large). This setting can be adjusted by clicking the settings button .
Q: Can I switch between dark and light mode?
A: Yes, this feature is available on some of our sites (i.e., click the options button to check the availability of this feature on the current site. Toggle the switch to turn dark mode on or off.
Q: Some preview images have a “$ Premium” label, why is that?
A: The “$ Premium” label indicates that the content behind the preview image is not completely free. Typically this is more exclusive/premium content that requires a membership or single payment before it can be enjoyed in full.
Q: Is it possible to use a filter to only show me free results?
A: Yes, there is a “free only” checkbox. You can find this option by clicking the settings button . Selecting the “free only” box will remove the paid content preview images from your search results.
Q: On I see Membership, Pay per view and, or Pay per clip and Fan subscription below the previews, what does this mean and what is the difference?
A: On we offer a search engine to find the best and most exclusive content available from various partners. Allthough some of our partners will show a short preview or teaser on their site, the content we link to on is not free. Typically, full access to the content can be obtained by purchasing a membership to the site, by buying access to a single video (Pay per clip) or by buying temporary access to a video (Pay per view).
- Membership: When you purchase a membership to a site or group of sites; in most cases you will have access to all content on the site until you cancel your membership.
- Pay per clip: In this case you buy access to a single video.
- Pay per view: In this case you are able to buy temporary streaming access to a single video or collection of videos.
- Fan subscription: Memberships that give you access to exclusive content from a specific model/pornstar.
Q: Do you display content previews?
A: Unfortunately we are not able to display video previews or image slideshows. By not offering this functionality, we think we can deliver a faster site with better user experience.
Q: Some preview images state “No video available”, why is that?
A: These videos are temporarily not available because the preview image cannot be displayed or the video is/will be removed soon.
Q: You have removed my favorite content source. Why?
A: There can be different reasons for this. The source asked us to remove them or there are technical issues. In some cases we may remove a source because they failed to comply with our content and/or advertising policies.
Q: I can't access a site that is listed, what to do?
A: Try again later. If you keep experiencing issues trying to access a certain site, please let us know.
Q: How to fix issues with a video not playing?
A: Please verify that your system is fully up to date. Most video players on the sites that we link to use HTML5, however, some older videos might be in a different format (such as Flash). Make sure that your system has Flash enabled. If you are positive that there is a problem on the video hosting site (broken url, video not loading, video removed), please report it by clicking the flag icon on the thumbnail preview on our site.
Q: Your site is broken, what can I do?
A: Our uptime ratio is 99.9%. In the rare instance that you experience an issue with our site loading, it means it's under heavy load. Try again in a few minutes, in most occasions the problem is already solved. However, if you encounter different issues or you regularly experience issues with our site loading speed, please let us know!
Q: Why doesn't your site work in my browser?
A: Our sites are developed and tested to work in updated versions of most common browsers and operating systems. Perhaps you are using an outdated browser or a browser that does not support modern web standards. If so, we recommend upgrading to a more recent browser version.
Q: Videos are loading slow, how can I fix this?
A: Try playing another video from a different source. If videos from multiple sources are running slow, it's probably your own connection. If you are using a VPN, consider switching to another server or contact your service provider. If the issue appears to be connected to a specific site that is listed, please let us know!
Q: What is the meaning of the VR icon that I see on some of the previews?
A: VR stands for “Virtual Reality”. The VR icon indicates that the video should be viewed with a VR headset for the most optimal experience.
Q: How can I watch VR videos properly?
A: There are many different VR devices available. On the site where you can watch/download the video you will usually find manuals on how to watch VR videos on a specific device. If you are looking for the biggest collection of VR Porn videos, visit our site
Q: The video I'm trying to watch does not seem to have sound.
A: Some players mute videos by default. Please check inside the video player if sound is not muted.
Q: How can I suggest an improvement to the translation of a specific category?
A: All translations have been verified by us, however, mistakes can be made. We greatly appreciate any suggestions, please be as specific as possible. Let us know by e-mail!
Q: Can you help me become a porn- director, actor, model or agent ?
A: No, unfortunately not.
Q: I have made a porn video, how can I add it to your site?
A: It's not possible to upload content to our site directly. However, a lot of sites we link to will allow you to upload content. In most cases, content you upload to these sites will show up on our site as well.
Q: I want to become a webcam model, can you help me?
A: No, most webcam sites have a page where models can sign-up and/or get more information about how to become a model. Please contact them directly.
Q: Can I follow you on social media?
A: At the moment we do not have active social media accounts.
Q: Do you have an app?
A: No, we feel an app would be unnecessary since the web version is already awesome!
Q: Can you help me find a specific video?
A: We have access to the same search tools and filters as you have when you are using our site. Try to narrow down the search results by using the advanced search and filters.
Q: I'm a member of the media, how can I contact you?
A: Please contact us by e-mail!
Q: Your sites rock! Can I work for you guys?
A: At the moment we do not have any open positions.
Q: Can you sponsor me, my team or my organisation?
A: No, we do not take part in sponsorships.
Q: Can you help me to get in touch with one of the models I saw?
A: Sorry, we are not able to help you.
Q: How can I help or support your site?
A: Simple! Visit our sites often and tell your friends about them. Besides this, you really help us by rating videos and reporting issues. Oh and please check the “help us improve” section.
Q: The answer to my question is not in the FAQ, now what?